Detox and Workplace Testing
Boss taking the piss? It's no joke if your employer wants to breach your privacy, dignity and human rights. We can help, with a range of products and expert advice.
Medicinal Cannabis and CBD
How you can access hemp wellness products or medicinal cannabis here in New Zealand; through us, your doctor or a cannabis specialist.
Learn more
Herbal Vaporisers
Also known as Dry Herb Vapes. We got 'em!
In fact, The Hempstore was the first to sell herbal vapes in New Zealand, ever since we opened in 1997.
High Art by Heyley Theyers
An exhibition instore as part of the Auckland Festival of Photography. Opening 6 June, runs to 27 June.
More info
Marijuana Media on 95bFM
Analysis and commentary on the week's cannabis news by our head honcho Chris Fowlie, every Thursday at 4:20pm. Brought to you by The Hempstore.
Listen now
Detox and Workplace Testing
Boss taking the piss? It's no joke if your employer wants to breach your privacy, dignity and human rights. We can help, with a range of products and expert advice.
Medicinal Cannabis and CBD
How you can access hemp wellness products or medicinal cannabis here in New Zealand; through us, your doctor or a cannabis specialist.
Learn more
Featured Products
The Hemp Farm NZ
NZ Hemp Hurd 10kg Bale ** PICK UP ONLY** (for Hempcrete, Insulation, Animal Bedding Or Litter )
$45.00 -
On Sale!