Why we oppose urine testing: While The Hempstore does not advocate the use of drugs on the job, testing methods and procedures are not 100% reliable. In fact urine testing does not test for the use of drugs on the job, nor does it measure impairment or intoxication. It merely tests for metabolites which can stay in the body for weeks – long after the effects of any drug. Random drug testing contravenes the Bill of Rights and the Privacy Act, and violates the natural justice of presumption of innocence, placing the burden of proof on the accused. That's why The Hempstore is proud to offer a comprehensive range of drug testing solutions.
For employment testing, check your employment contract first. If you haven't already agreed to submit to random testing, then you don't have to agree to it now. In a pre-employment situation you have little choice other than working for someone else. But if already employed, generally testing is only allowed in what's called 'just cause' (say if your coworkers have complained you appear intoxicated), post-incident, or in what are deemed 'safety sensitive' occupations like fixing plane engines. The process must comply with the Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 4308:2014 as well as the precedent set in the EMPU v Air New Zealand Supreme Court case. For more info see www.NORML.org.nz or consult your union.